Sunday, April 29, 2012


Once a grand hacienda, Yaxcopoil is now operated as a museum of sorts by descendants of the original owners. The grounds are dry and dusty and very little has been done to restore the buildings. For an admission price of 50 pesos, you can tour the main casa, filled with old furniture and artifacts from its heyday. The property is of a grand scale and at least one of the buildings, possibly a huge work building, was closed for viewing. Wandering through the casa can be fun, if nothing more than to take a peek at the collection of furniture and other household items. I was primarily interested in photographing architectural detail and found Hacienda Ochil and Yaxcopoil equally photogenic.

First building


View from behind a gate

Colorful and inviting

Peeking over a wall

Post and pulley
Moorish-inspired window arch


  1. Wonderful photographs! I see your north-of-the-border practice is paying off nicely in Yucatan! Thank you for sharing these shots. I love seeing Yucatan through other folk's eyes too.

  2. Thank you! And thanks for commenting. I've been meaning to tell you that I'm enjoying your dispatches and now have signed up to follow. It's important to balance the "pretty" aspect of Yucatán with substance and reality and you do a great job of that. So, thank you for that.
